Residential Services

Consumers on the Medicaid waiver program live in residential housing within the community. In this setting the Consumers have one to two roommates. Each Consumer have their own bedroom while sharing communal areas of the dwelling such as bathrooms, living area, and kitchen. All bills, including rent, are divided equally.

Phoenix Community Services provides Direct Support Professionals in the home 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The Direct Support Professionals are trained and tested implementing state of Indiana guidelines. The DSP is always present with the Consumers and assist all individuals with their daily living skills. They assist the Consumers with (included but not limited to) cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, personal hygiene, and independent living skills. Taking, administering, and recording of vitals and medication are also provided.

Phoenix coordinates all doctor’s appointments and provides transportation there by ensuring up to date medical care for the Consumer. Phoenix Community Services Medical Department will coordinate and implement any Physicians orders pertaining to the consumer.

​DHI Services

Phoenix Community Services also works with Consumers who receive DHI services. Phoenix Community Services provide a one-on-one Direct Support Professional to come to the residence, pick up the Consumer and take them out into the community. While in the community, the DSP is there to assist the Consumer in becoming more involved and acclimated into society. This includes but is not limited to learning to do their personal shopping, practicing pedestrian skills, experiencing new and fun adventures such as going to the movies or a concert, going out to eat or to the park. These activities allow the Consumer to gain confidence and become a more integrated member of society.

Wellness Coordination

Phoenix Community Services works with Consumers on the Medicaid waiver program who receive or request Wellness Coordination.  Phoenix Community Services provides a Licensed Practical Nurse and a Registered Nurse. These professionals will come to the Consumers residential dwelling and complete a head-to-toe assessment. PCS Nurses also monitor vitals, weights, and will address any needs requiring medical attention.

Day Services

Phoenix Community Services is proud to offer Day Programming to our Consumers on the Medicaid Waiver Program.

Day Services is open to the Consumers Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Consumers in this program will be transported from their residence to the Day Program Facility. Upon arrival, Consumers will be greeted by our trained Direct Support Professionals. These DSPs are here to assist the Consumer enjoy fun and educational programming.

Our Day Program assists Consumers in learning skills at their pace. This includes but is not limited to arts and crafts, socializing with others, playing games, math, science, reading, working on exercises or cognitive activities, cooking classes, watching movies together, and other learning skills that will be beneficial in the community or residential setting.

Phoenix Community Service’s goal for the day program is to run all required programming as well as assisting Consumers build basic that can be used to live a more fulfilled life.

Pac Services and Family Support

Phoenix Community Services offers Pac Services. PAC Services are for Consumers who do not live in a waiver setting. The Consumer lives alone or at home with family. Phoenix Community Services provides a Direct Support Professional to assist with independent living skills, goals, and socialization within the Consumers  home and community. This allows the caretaker time to rest, refresh and take care of their own personal needs, knowing their loved one is safe and enjoying productive time with our trained staff.

All our services are funding by the Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services (BDDS). If you are looking for these services in the Marion County Area please contact  877-218-3530.                       0Madison or Delaware County Area please contact 877-218-3531.

Schedule a Meet and Greet by Contacting Your      Case Manager or Emailing PCS at